Stopp Atompoker: Keine Laufzeitverlängerung für belgische Alt-Reaktoren Doel 1 und 2

Im belgischen DOEL soll der Betrieb von Uralt-Reaktoren verlängert werden. Die Laufzeitverlängerung im ersten Anlauf war illegal, weil die belgische Regierung die nach EU-Recht vorgeschriebene Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung „übersehen“ hat. Dass soll nun nachgeholt werden. Folgt diesen Anweisungen und tragt dazu bei, dass der atomare Poker in den belgischen Uralt-Atomreaktoren beendet wird. Die Laufzeitverlängerung, die die belgischen Behörden anstreben, ist ein Spiel mit dem Super-GAU. Hier und schnell handeln – auch nach der Frist Einsprüche erheben und politisch Druck machen.
Dokumentation: Until 15 June 2021: Participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on NPP Doel 1&2/Belgium life-time extension
NPP Doel 1&2 were put into operation in 1975, it is located on the left bank of the River Schelde approximately 3 km from the Dutch border.
Doel 1&2 should have been shut-down after 40 years of operation already in 2015. But with the so-called nuclear phase-out law a 10-year life-time extension was decided in 2015 without conducting an EIA. In 2016, NGOs filed a suit against this law with the Belgium Constitutional Court which asked the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for a preliminary ruling. On 5 March 2020, the amended 2015 nuclear phase-out law was annulled by the Belgium Constitutional Court on the basis of the ECJ ruling. However, the Constitutional Court decided to maintain the law’s effect until a new law will be in force to ensure supply security. For this reason the necessary EIA needs to be completed until 31 December, 2022.
Joint Project has prepared a statement for the EIA.
Here you can submit your statement until June 15, 2021:
in Dutch
in French
in German
There is no English version of this website available, but you can send your comments in English.
If you are from another country than Belgium, you will be forwarded to your country’s participation website.
If your country is not participating in the trans-boundary EIA, you can send your comment by post to the Belgium responsible authority (the address can be found at the above websites).